英日字典: pick_up
The pick_up has 16 Senses.
- pick up
- 拾う, 撮む, ピックアップ, 拾得, 取り上げる, 持ち上げる, 摘む, 取る, 拾い上げる, 摘まむ, 取りあげる, つまみ上げる, 持ちあげる, 摘みあげる, 取上げる
- take up by hand; "He picked up the book and started to read"
- 手で巻き取る
- pick up
- 拾う, 乗せる, 乗っける
- give a passenger or a hitchhiker a lift; "We picked up a hitchhiker on the highway"
- 乗客またはヒッチハイカーを車で送る
- call for, collect, pick up, gather up
- 拾う, 集める, 採る, ピックアップ, 掻集める, コレクト, 寄せ集める, 取集める, 寄集める, 取りあつめる, 採集, 取る, 取り集める, 収集, 寄せあつめる, 掻き集める, 収録, 拾集, かき集める
- gather or collect; "You can get the results on Monday"; "She picked up the children at the day care center"; "They pick up our trash twice a week"
- 集まるかまたは集める
- hear, get wind, get word, see, get a line, find out, pick up, discover, learn
- わかる, 見取る, 見付ける, 発見, 分る, 看取, 見て取る, 覚る, 理解, 見出す, 気づく, 思い至る, 気付く, 了得, 見いだす, 分かる, 察知, 観取, 見出だす, 見い出す, 見つける, 知る, 了する, 判る
- get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally; "I learned that she has two grown-up children"; "I see that you have been promoted"
- 知る、気がつく、通常偶然に
- pick up
- get in addition, as an increase; "The candidate picked up thousands of votes after his visit to the nursing home"
- 増加するために、添加する
- nail, arrest, cop, apprehend, nab, pick up, collar
- 取抑える, 検挙, 取り押さえる, 捕まえる, 取っ捕まえる, 取り押える, 搦め捕る, 搦め取る, 挙げる, 捕縛, 搦捕る, 捉まえる, とっ捕まえる, 引っ捕える, 掴まえる, 取押さえる, 引っ捕らえる, 召捕る, 搦めとる, 捕える, 捕らえる, 引捕らえる, 取り抑える, 取押える, 引捕える, 召し捕る, 召しとる
- take into custody; "the police nabbed the suspected criminals"
- 保護する
- pick up
- buy casually or spontaneously; "I picked up some food for a snack"
- 何気なく買う、または自然に買う
- receive, pick up
- 受信, 傍受
- register (perceptual input); "pick up a signal"
- 登録する(知覚的な入力)
- pick up
- lift out or reflect from a background; "The scarf picks up the color of the skirt"; "His eyes picked up his smile"
- 持ち上げる、または、背景から熟考する
- pick up
- 引掛ける, 軟派
- meet someone for sexual purposes; "he always tries to pick up girls in bars"
- 性的な目的のために誰かと会う
- turn around, pick up
- 持ちなおす, 持直す, 立て直る, 上向く, 持ち直す, 立ちなおる, 盛返す, 立ち直る, 改善, 盛りかえす, 立直る, 向上
- improve significantly; go from bad to good; "Her performance in school picked up"
- 非常に上達する
- catch, pick up
- キャッチ, 掴みとる, 聞きとる, 捕える, 掴み取る, 捉える, かぎ分ける, 聞き取る, 捕捉
- perceive with the senses quickly, suddenly, or momentarily; "I caught the aroma of coffee"; "He caught the allusion in her glance"; "ears open to catch every sound"; "The dog picked up the scent"; "Catch a glimpse"
- すぐに、突然、またはちょっとの間、感覚で見抜く
- peck, pick up
- eat by pecking at, like a bird
- 少しだけつつきながら食べる、鳥のように
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